Fun Fact »

Experts agree that perennials like switchgrass and big bluestem are the best biomass crops, since you can reap up to 20 years’ worth of crops from a single planting.

This Toxic Substance Reduction Plan Summary has been prepared in accordance with Section 8(2) of the Toxic Reduction Act.

This Toxic Substance Reduction Plan Summary has been prepared in accordance with Section 8(2) of the Toxic Reduction Act.

This Toxic Substance Reduction Plan Summary has been prepared in accordance with Section 8(2) of the Toxic Reduction Act.

This Toxic Substance Reduction Plan Summary has been prepared in accordance with Section 8(2) of the Toxic Reduction Act.

  • Message from the Plant Manager 
  • Low Carbon Fuels Project Update
  • War of 1812 Bicentennial Celebrations
  • Bath’s Loyalist Roots
  • The Flight of the Royal George
  • The Lafarge 1812 Discovery Centre Story...
  • The Greener Fuel Protocol: Identifying the fuels of the future 
  • Initial Results
  • The Cement2020 Constellation of Projects
  • Community Feedback: The November 2011 Public Meeting
  • Our Project Partners


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