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For centuries, the world has been fueled by traditional energy sources such as wood, coal, and oil. But in recent decades, governments, scientists, environmental organizations and industry have started to explore new energy sources for the future.

Bath Wins 2009 PCA Environmental Award

The Bath Plant has been awarded the 2009 Top Environmental Award for Overall Environmental Excellence in the Portland Cement Association's annual award program! The PCA's announcement is appended below.

Congratulations to all of you in this achievement. The Portland Cement Association's jury of industry experts and environmentalists chose Bath as the best overall plant in North America out of over 100 cement plants. Our program to eliminate CKD landfilling, the Energy Farm initiative, further deployment of power off rapping technology, and our Wildlife Habitat / Wild Turkey Federation activities - in addition to our strong communications program and ISO 14001 certification - were all recognized by the jury in choosing Bath for this award.

Winners are chosen based on submissions from cement plants throughout North America - this year there were over 60 applicants. Of the six awards presented, three were awarded to Lafarge Plants: The Tulsa Cement Plant was honoured for innovation and the Sugar Creek Plant received the award for Environmental Performance. The Bath Plant's win for overall environmental excellence marks the third time in the PCA Award program's 9 year history that a Lafarge Plant has won the top prize.

Congratulations again to all Employees of the Bath, Tulsa and Sugar Creek Plants for this great achievement.

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