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The biggest hurdle for biomass from dedicated fuel crops is that it isn't an economically viable option yet. We’re looking at ways of finding biomass fuels that are more affordable while we continue to work with our farming partners and support research to reduce production costs even further.

Bath Plant marches in Canada Day Parade

On July 1st, the Bath plant participated in the annual Canada Day celebrations in Bath, Ontario. This year, our contingent in the Parade included a large group of plant employees and their fami-lies. Lafarge's Aggregates and Concrete division joined in as well, bringing a ready-mix truck to join in the Parade. Festivities concluded later that evening with a fireworks display, sponsored by Lafarge.

The Bath area was first settled in 1784 as a home for United Empire Loyalists. The Village was incorporated in 1859. This year marked the 51st Annual Canada Day Parade.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this event.

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